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22nd of June, 2022 | 8:33 p.m.

It's not the time it says it is, but I've been staring here for so long unsure of what to say, but wanting to say something. It's why I'm here. It's always why I'm here.

I could say something about Ukraine. My friends are all okay still. Alive, anyhow. "Quietly tired of this" is how one put it. I try to be of some help, perhaps offer some distraction or a moment of some other life, but I'm in the midst of my own quiet tiredness and I'm unsure of how to best mete out what resources I do have, and how to replenish them. There are a lot of people I want to help right now, with no real idea of how exactly.

I don't know how it fits in but suddenly I think of Rachael and for a brief moment have a sense of focus again.