Older Recent Guestbook Notes Diaryland

12th of March, 2022 | 8:48 p.m.

I have several friends in a war zone, it's been that way for over two weeks and yet it still sounds ridiculous to say it. Most of the time it doesn't feel real, then suddenly all too much.

Most of my friends have left Kyiv, but A remains there with her husband. She said she felt everywhere else is "just as dangerous" and right now it seems she's right, but I can't help wishing she had left too. Wherever they go, wherever they are I hope they stay safe.

This time a few years ago M was here; now this. We walked the south bank in London late at night, feet burning, sharing doughnuts. I had planned to visit him, A and others in Ukraine.

I don't even know what to say. Or how to say. Things.

Face on. Back to daily life.